• nickaster


    Since the latest update to wordpress, images are automatically made into hyperlinks, hilariously to themselves.

    I can see how this would be useful if you were using thumbnails and linking to a big version, but 99% of the time, this just adds useless code and confuses visitors who click on the images by accident.

    I also know that once you uncheck the box then it won’t happen again, but amateur bloggers are now making posts everywhere with these annoying links in them. Plus, if you run a big blog, it’s one more thing you have to explain to people who don’t understand HTML to avoid.

    Can we please make UNLINKED images the default in the next revision?

    Just my two cents.

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  • Here’s your solution nickaster!

    1) You don’t need that code in functions.php
    2) Yes, make sure image_default_link_type is blank in /options.php

    BUT, here is what you’ve all missed
    Link settings are also saved individually for each image.
    You need to delete your images not only from your posts/pages but also from your media library, and upload them again. There you go, no default links anymore.


    Never knew that WP has a ‘God mode’. Thanks for the tip!

    @zeo, Im months late on this post.. but you are a LEGEND… why did it take weeks of searching on and off to find this page… Should be in the official wp documentation… ty for sharing!

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