Hi @sergiomorais
Thanks for the question.
I’m afraid we don’t have Portuguese translation yet. But don’t be afraid because it’s easy to translate our plugins. For this task, you’ll need to install Loco Translate on your site or use Poedit.
With Loco Translate, the translation files will be detected automatically and you will be able to start the translation right away. Please check this link for more information: https://localise.biz/wordpress/plugin/beginners.
With Poedit, you need to download both the program and the translation template to your machine. Please check this page to learn more about it: https://wplang.org/translate-theme-plugin/. You can find the file in “wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-wholesale-prices/languages/woocommerce-wholesale-prices.pot”
I hope this helps ??