• Hi,

    I am trying to install a few plugins (wp touch / cache / redirection etc), ftp’d to plugins/ directory OK. Then tried to hit ‘activate’, but I am presented with a white screen and cannot get back to plugins in admin (in Firefox). I have to rename the plugin via ftp to get the plugin screen to come up again.

    Latest WordPress 3.0.4 Installed
    On Fasthosts UK shared server

    == Active Plugins include: ==
    Askimet – v2.5.2
    Backend Login Logo – v1.1
    Contact Form 7 – v2.4.3
    Google Analytics for WP – v4.0.9
    Google XML Sitemaps – v3.2.4
    Realy Simple CAPTCHA – v1.2
    SEO Ultimate – v4.7.1
    Subscribe2 – v6.1
    TweetMeme Retweet – v2.2
    Wordpress Database Backup – v2.2.3
    WP-Copy Protect – v2.1.0
    WP-Print – v2.50

    Anyone had the same problem? What should I be checking for or looking to amend?

    Really appreciate any feedback assistance or help on this one.

    Many thanks – Paul!

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  • Have you tried:

    – deactivating all plugins to see if this resolves the problem? If this works, re-activate the plugins one by one until you find the problematic plugin(s).

    – switching to the Twenty Ten theme to rule out any theme-specific problems?

    – increasing the memory available to PHP?

    Thread Starter itchytrig



    Hi, thanks for the feedback. Switched from the installed theme to Twenty Ten, diabled all plugins and then returned the theme back again.

    It worked! However, activated most plugins, got to the ‘Redirection’ plugin and it was fine, then onto SEO Ultimate and the white screen was back! Previously I had SEO Ultimate working, but then couldn’t get Redirection to activate. Is this the problem or have I ran out of php memory perhaps? Just a coincidence?

    Anyway I have asked fashosts if increasing PHP memory is available to us on a shared server hosting…?

    Switching themes back and forth, what does this do exactly (if anything?)?

    Thanks again – Paul

    Just a coincidence?

    I don’t think so. I’ve seen other reports of these two plugins conflicting with one another. Looks like you’ll have to drop one of them.

    Thread Starter itchytrig



    OK the plot thickens!!

    I switched themes to Twenty Ten, deactivated Redirection this time and switched back to my theme. All fine again…

    So started enabling my plugins again, but this time got SEO Ultimate working, but then fell over after I tried WP Touch plugin. ??

    Could it be a memory thing afterall? Does WordPress need a reasonable amount of PHP runtime memory to allow a load of plugins to work?

    Very frustrating!

    Thanks – Paul

    I’ve got a feeling that SEO Ultimate is the problem. I’ve known the Redirection plugin to cause problems on the front end but I’ve not heard of it bringing a site down. If it was a memory issue, you’d get a very specific fatal error message.

    Maybe you could try another SEO plugin?

    Thread Starter itchytrig



    It doesn’t bring the site down, just the plugins page in admin and strangely the ‘pages’ page that lists all the sites pages?

    After 24hrs, just got a reply from Fasthosts UK. They say the PHP memory limit is set at just 20mb! Other forum posts, I hear mixed results from others saying that anywhere between 64mb, 128mb even 256mb are more favourable figures for a more productive WordPress site!

    So how the hell are we supposed to cope with 20mb limit!

    I can work around not having SEO ultimate, but even with this off, I am struggling!

    Time for new UK hosts me thinks, with more accomodating PHP memory limits… shame.

    They say the PHP memory limit is set at just 20mb!

    Eek! That’s very low! I’d recommend at least 32M – preferably 64M.

    If this is a memory issue, then it may be that the last plugin you activate is what tips you over this (dreadfully) low threshold. However, you also have to bear in mind that different plugins (and even different themes) consume varying amounts of memory.

    If you’re looking for another UK host, try https://ukwebsolutionsdirect.co.uk/ I’ve got multiple sites hosted with them and rarely have any problems. Their email support is also the best I’ve come across.

    Thread Starter itchytrig



    Eeek is just one of many words I could use!!!

    I will take a look at theirs.. one of my clients uses Easyspace and they inform me they have a PHP Memory limit at 128mb. Certainly allows WordPress to stretch it’s legs a bit more!

    Appreciate all the feedback! Thanks

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