• Resolved eborg9


    I really wanted to like this calendar but just like many others have reported it just won’t work. First of all it takes forever to install…there has to be a problem there…and when I try and activate it I get the white screen of death.

    No matter what I do…disable all other plug ins, increase memory, clean database…it just won’t work.

    It’s not a plug in conflict or memory issue.
    So what is the problem?


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  • I was thinking to try that as well.
    The other site is new, this site is old and has been up for a while.
    Not sure if that has anything to do with it, but at this point I’ll give anything a try. I really want to use it.

    I’ll keep you posted.
    That’s for trying to help me, it’s much appreciated.

    At this point any guess is good, keep me posted.

    Just to check if this is related to your host or to the old wordpress installation, yOu could even try to install a new version of wordpress in a subfolder of the document root and then install our plugin there.
    If on a fresh install, on the same host, our plugin installs correctly than it must be something related to the old install, otherwise it’s related to that specific host.

    In my last attempt I deactivated all plug ins, completely removed my cache plug in and all related files and remnants. ran the database query. switched to a WordPress default theme, and then installed the plug in, and when I activated it I got the white screen of death.

    I’m giving up. Apparently it isn’t going to work no matter what I do. I don’t know why it takes minutes to install every time or why it won’t even work with no plug ins running on a default theme.

    As for now, I’m done and I’ll have to find another solution.
    Thanks for your help. If anything pops I’ll let you know.

    Hi, just to know what version of wordpress are you using?In any case, referring to what your host said, they are right that it’s an error in our plugin, but it’s not the has_cap error. You have two things:

    <strong>Notice</strong>: has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0! Usage of user levels by plugins and themes is deprecated. Use roles and capabilities instead. in /usr/www/virtual/xxxxx/www.xxxxxxxxxx.com/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3318


    <strong>Fatal error</strong>: Call to a member function render() on a non-object in /usr/www/virtual/xxxxx/www.xxxxxxxxx.com/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/vendor/twig/Environment.php on line 300

    I doubt that the notice is generated by us, as the notice happens when a plugin calls has_cap passing a number ( pre 2.0 authentication ). I took a look at our code base and we only pass string like we should ( look at the photo https://take.ms/iHogR ).
    What is really causing the failure is the Fatal error and not the Notice as in PHP notices do not stop the execution of the script.
    If we were the cause of the notice, i would be more than happy to fix it, but i think we are not. We cause the fatal error and i explained above how that could happen, it seems that a method is called on a non object during the rendering of a Twig template. Unfortunately not being able to reproduce this makes it a little more difficult for us to debug. Could you ask your host for the full backtrace of the Fatal Error?

    One more thing, when you run the query, does it delete something?i mean, is wp_ the correct prefix?

    OK, I will do that. I’m running WordPress 4.0. This site has been up since Feb. 2014. The only thing that I can think of that’s different than the other installation is that this one has an SSL on it, even though it’s not running at the moment.

    I don’t think it’s the plug in in general, because as I said it is working fine on another installation.

    It has to be something specific to this particular installation and it’s now at the point where its over my head.

    I do have a managed VPS and will relay what you’ve said to them in hopes that they can assist a little further.

    I’m frustrated, but I do appreciate your help and you hanging there with me to try and come up with a solution.

    I’ll let you know what feedback I get from my host.

    maybe we can make this faster, can you change in app/config/constant.php

    define( 'AI1EC_DEBUG', false );


    define( 'AI1EC_DEBUG', true );

    and then refresh?

    Just relayed that to my hosting support. They are actively on it right now.

    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Sorry could you put that code on PasteBin and link to that instead? That’s too much code to post on the forums.


    How is the folder called exactly? i see all-in-one-event-calendarx. Is this the exact name of the folder?
    is AI1EC_DEBUG set to true?
    under folder ‘lib/bootstrap’ is there a file called loader-map.php?

    I got it!

    My host just messaged me that that there was a permission issue. They changed it and now the plug in is installed and working.


    Apparently I’m not out of the woods yet. We got it activated but there’s still all kinds of errors. At the moment the dashboard is inaccessible just as it was before the plug in was activated and so are any event posts. Back to the white screen.

    here’s the error:

    [19-Nov-2014 22:51:04 UTC] All-in-One Event Calendar: mkdir(): Permission denied @ /usr/www/virtual/eborg9/www.moderncircuit.com/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/vendor/twig/Environment.php:1243 #2
    [19-Nov-2014 22:51:04 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Call to a member function render() on a non-object in /usr/www/virtual/eborg9/www.moderncircuit.com/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/vendor/twig/Environment.php on line 300
    In the file, see line 300 below:
         * Renders a template.
         * @param string $name    The template name
         * @param array  $context An array of parameters to pass to the template
         * @return string The rendered template
         * @throws Twig_Error_Loader  When the template cannot be found
         * @throws Twig_Error_Syntax  When an error occurred during compilation
         * @throws Twig_Error_Runtime When an error occurred during rendering
        public function render($name, array $context = array())
     Line 300 -->       return $this->loadTemplate($name)->render($context);

    can you make cache folder writable?under our plugin root.We are back to the previous error it seems that it’s a permission issue. BTW 2.1.6 is out but i doubt it will fix anything

    It is writable, but I upped it to a higher permission. No change.
    I should add that when I thought it was working, I installed Extended Views.

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