White Screen of Death after WP update
It’s the second time that I’m getting the White Screen of Death after WP update. This time when updating to the latest version wordpress-4.9.2-en_GB and the previous time when updating to v.4.9.1
The update stalls when showing ‘Copying the required files…’ and just stays like that.I deleted the .maintenance file in both cases and disabled the plugins and themes and it does not help. The only remedy is to update the WP manually following the instructions on this page: Upgrading WordPress – Extended Instructions
I’d like to avoid the hassle of manually updating next time and get some help with finding what is the problem causing these failed updates.
Appreciate any help with trouble shooting tips.
I suggest that you create a new WordPress install on a subdomain so that no one else gets to see this test, use a name like “trial.meditationyoga.in”.
Manually install an old version of WordPress there say ver 4.9.1
In your wp-config.php enable debugging and error logging, details here:
So add settings like:
error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set(‘display_errors’, 1);
define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true);
define(‘SCRIPT_DEBUG’, true);Now get this new wordpress to auto update, see what happens, what messages does it give ?
look at wp-content/debug.log to see if anything gets logged there.Once you have sorted out the problem, apply it to your main site, you can then either remove or disable the trial site.
Normally this happen if a “blank line” exists at the end of a PHP file, possible this issue has come from a plugin or may be your theme!
If you have any active plugins and custom theme then please deactivate all those plugins and activate WP default theme and repeat the same.
Thank You
@rossmitchell Thanks Ross. Should the new trial WP install have exactly the same content that the main site?
@wclovers Thanks! Do you have any specific PHP file in mind? Otherwise there are hundreds of PHP files, so how to find the ones with a “blank line”?
So what I did so far is:
Made a test update of WP from v.4.9.1 to v. 4.9.2 on another site of mine that previously had the same problem and I had to update it manually to 4.9.1.
I added these lines to wp-config.php file:
define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true);
// Enable Debug logging to the /wp-content/debug.log file
define( ‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true );// Disable display of errors and warnings
define( ‘WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY’, false );
@ini_set( ‘display_errors’, 0 );// Use dev versions of core JS and CSS files (only needed if you are modifying these core files)
define( ‘SCRIPT_DEBUG’, true );then created a php.ini file inside wp-admin directory (I’m not sure if that was the idea to do) with these:
error_reporting = E_ALL | E_STRICT
error_log = /var/log/php_error.logthen I tried to update WP to latest version and got this:
“Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute.
Are you sure you want to do this?
Please try again.”When clicking on that link ‘Please try again’ nothing happened, same page appeared, so I opened the Dashboard in another page, and no update was done.
Then I disabled all the plugins and all the themes running only on the default Twenty Fifteen theme and the update succeeded.
Re-enabled the plugins and reverted to Anima theme and it works OK.Nothing was recorded in the debug.log file but before the whole operation I installed two debugging plugins: Debug Bar and Query Monitor and got these warnings which I’m not able to understand anyway:
WARNING: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-automatic-updater.php:98 – is_dir(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/vol2_1/byethost6.com/b6_16731528/108.iblogger.org/.svn) is not within the allowed path(s): (/php_sessions:/tmp:/var/www/errors:/usr/share/pear:/home/vol2_1/byethost6.com/b6_16731528/108.iblogger.org/htdocs)
core_upgrade_preamble, WP_Automatic_Updater->should_update, WP_Automatic_Updater->is_vcs_checkout, is_dir
WARNING: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-automatic-updater.php:98 – is_dir(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/vol2_1/byethost6.com/b6_16731528/.svn) is not within the allowed path(s): (/php_sessions:/tmp:/var/www/errors:/usr/share/pear:/home/vol2_1/byethost6.com/b6_16731528/108.iblogger.org/htdocs)
core_upgrade_preamble, WP_Automatic_Updater->should_update, WP_Automatic_Updater->is_vcs_checkout, is_diropen_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/vol2_1/byethost6.com/b6_16731528/108.iblogger.org/.svn) is not within the allowed path(s): (/php_sessions:/tmp:/var/www/errors:/usr/share/pear:/home/vol2_1/byethost6.com/b6_16731528/108.iblogger.org/htdocs)
core_upgrade_preamble, WP_Automatic_Updater->should_update, WP_Automatic_Updater->is_vcs_checkout, is_dirWARNING: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-automatic-updater.php:98 – is_dir(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/vol2_1/byethost6.com/b6_16731528/.svn) is not within the allowed path(s): (/php_sessions:/tmp:/var/www/errors:/usr/share/pear:/home/vol2_1/byethost6.com/b6_16731528/108.iblogger.org/htdocs)
core_upgrade_preamble, WP_Automatic_Updater->should_update, WP_Automatic_Updater->is_vcs_checkout, is_dirWarning (Suppressed) disk_free_space() has been disabled for security reasons 1 wp-content/plugins/updraftplus/admin.php:897
wp-content/plugins/updraftplus/admin.php:897Plugin: updraftplus
is_dir(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/vol2_1/byethost6.com/b6_16731528/108.iblogger.org/.svn) is not within the allowed path(s): (/php_sessions:/tmp:/var/www/errors:/usr/share/pear:/home/vol2_1/byethost6.com/b6_16731528/108.iblogger.org/htdocs) 1 wp-admin/includes/class-wp-automatic-updater.php:98
wp-admin/includes/class-wp-automatic-updater.php:98Plugin: debug-bar
Then I updated one of the plugins and got this warning:
WARNING: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php:450 – set_time_limit() has been disabled for security reasons
require_once(‘wp-admin/admin.php’), do_action(‘appearance_page_anima-addons’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, TGM_Plugin_Activation->install_plugins_page, TGM_Plugin_Activation->do_plugin_install, Plugin_Upgrader->upgrade, WP_Upgrader->run, WP_Upgrader->install_package, set_time_limitJavaScript:
TypeError: wp.updates is undefinedhttps://108.iblogger.org/wp-admin/themes.php?page=anima-addons&plugin=cryout-serious-slider&tgmpa-update=update-plugin&tgmpa-nonce=2f6789dcda line 491So after this whole exercise I’m still not sure what works and what does not and if I will be able to just update the future WP versions automatically without disabling the plugins and themes etc.
Will appreciate any feedback on this.
Thanks for all the details and really appreciate your hard efforts.
No, this is absolutely not acceptable to deactivate all the plugins at the time WP upgrade.
But I ask to test by this approach to be sure this issue is coming from any of your site plugins, and now it’s proved.
Still we have no idea which plugin is responsible for this issue.
This also can be identified, but this test will be a bit more tough –
With all plugins you are getting issue, now deactivate one plugin and try to update WP. Repeat this until your WP perfectly updated, you will find that culprit plugin.
Thank You
Looking at the error:
open_basedir restriction in effect. File( /home/vol2_1/byethost6.com/b6_16731528/108.iblogger.org/.svn) is not within the allowed path(s): (/php_sessions:/tmp:/var/www/errors:/usr/share/pear: /home/vol2_1/byethost6.com/b6_16731528/108.iblogger.org/htdocs)
(having added line breaks so that the paths line up).
The error is correct, the .svn directory is along side the htdocs directory, not within it. (Not sure jut why .svn is in use).Looking at your server configuration, in your “sites-enabled” directory, do you have a file with a line like:
<Directory /home/vol2_1/byethost6.com/b6_16731528/108.iblogger.org/htdocs>
If so the suggest that you change it to:
<Directory /home/vol2_1/byethost6.com/b6_16731528/108.iblogger.org>
This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by
RossMitchell. Reason: layout change
“.svn” is a hidden directory, please be sure you are browsing directory with hidden files to be visible.
More importantly, why it’s looking for “.svn” file here?
Thank You
I cannot find “sites-enabled” directory.Also svn directory is not there…
In my Linux – Ubuntu system the website configuration files live at:
in files like001-local
Where are your site config files ?The directory it was complaining about is <dot>snv the “.” prefix makes it a hidden file. Turn on show hidden files and it will be there, or “ls -al” will show it too.
The config files on Windows are here: /108.iblogger.org/htdocs
I’m using FileZilla and it automatically shows hidden files and folders but I enabled ‘Force show hidden files’ and it shows the same as before.
There are 3 directories with the “.” before .cpanel, .pki and .softaculous and on the same level 2 files: .lastlogin and .override
.snv is not there
This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by
When I try to preview the site however, it just shows a blank white screen, anyone know how to fix this?
Admin page looks fine only when i press preview changes then blank page appear. Please can anyone help me with this issue?Thank you in advance.
This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by
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