• So I got this white screen of death everybody has been talking about. The problem is there is no way around it. When I deleted some of the code I made sure to copy just in case I deleted the wrong thing. So when I hit update went white. So I hit back and pasted what I copied and hit upload. White again. Went to my website white. I didn’t have that much completed on my website so I decided to uninstall wordpress and start over. Got my new password and logged in. Tried to activate a one of the generic templates “selecta.” Went white again. Please help! I don’t do a lot of business off my site but not having one will hurt me especially with wedding season around the corner. Thanks all.

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  • It means you had a simple mistake in .php script of plugin, firs of all you must check script file and correct all structural mistakes.
    Find error_reports/error_logs(php/apache) and find out what function or file created this white-screen this will greatly help with this task (there will be file and line of problem that broke code)

    Thank you.

    I figured my issue out, but only after hours of pulling my hair out. ??

    The developer gave instructions on doing a “simple” edit to a core file, but left off a semi-colon. I tried and tried copying and pasting all different variations in all different locations and finally noticed that every other line in the PHP ended in “;”, so I added one, and that was all it was.

    Very frustrating. ??

    I’m frustrated by other issues, too, but this is the only topic I posted (in) that got any responses. I was very excited about WordPress’ potential, but I’m about to give up.



    Thank you all. worked for me just by renaming another theme to the current theme in ftp. whew. Happy Thanksgiving!

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