Hey there Adh3,
For changing red colors to black please try adding the following code:
.superb-red .home-cta-area, .superb-red .feature-more-link, .superb-red #footercontainer, .superb-red .pagination .page-numbers:hover, .superb-red li span.page-numbers, .superb-red li a.page-numbers, .superb-red button:hover, .superb-red input:hover[type="button"], .superb-red input:hover[type="reset"], .superb-red .entry-content .button:hover, .superb-red .page-links .page-numbers:hover, .superb-red .superb-caption .slider-button, .superb-red .home-featured .read-more, .superb-red .home-contact-form input[type="submit"], .superb-red input[type="submit"], .superb-red .main-navigation ul ul li, .superb-red .home-featured-post .more-link, .superb-red .slider-wrapper .flex-caption .slider-button {
background: #000;
I’m not really familiar with the theme since I do not represent theme author so if I missed something please let me know.
As for the page image and the content issue could you please try adding the following CSS:
.entry-content a > img.size-thumbnail {
margin-bottom: -150px;
This should fix the issue with the image and the space.
Please let me know if this helps ??
Best regards,