Ok, that would be very helpful, appreciate it, thanks very much. The reason why I’m looking at your widget is because of some design limitations I’m having with other widgets, Essential Add-ons Image Accordion, and the same applies with all the others I have tried. I like the smooth animation and easy integration within Elementor, but I can’t get the proper image sizing. For example the image window expansion that occurs on hover or click is set equally for all images. Meaning if you have images with different aspect ratios, say portrait for example, the images will zoom in, scale up, while the other images, in square or rectangular, will appear fine. Ideally I want 2 rows of 5 images each, and each image to display upon hover or click without “zooming in” or scaling. To achieve what I’m looking for I would need to the expansion of the image window to vary depending on their orientation, portrait, square etc. Also what I like about those other plugins is the expansion opens from the middle, so sliding open towards left and right equally as opposed to sliding from one side as I’ve seen in your examples. Can that aspect be modified in your widget? Thanks and best regards