Hi @atjari,
what do you mean? The plugin can help you to preload assets like stylesheets, external JS scripts, images, font files, or whatever file you want the browser to load earlier, but you can’t preload an “order form”.
Do you mean how to preload the scripts that sort the table rows?
I see there are some scripts that are involved in the table rendering, as for example https://iconsalons.be/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-product-table/assets/js/wc-product-table.js
However, I don’t think you will see a very big difference. Even if you preload it, the page will call the script in the footer after calling a lot of other scripts and resources.
Asset Preloader can help you preload a script, but it will not move a footer script to the header.
When the browser calls the script, thanks to the preload it will be ready immediately, but before calling it, the browser already does a lot of work without rendering the table. The result will be the impression of a slow loading even though you preload the script.
I see there are a lot of plugins. You probably need to do a cleanup. You can keep the plugins only where you need them with Freesoul Deactivate Plugins.
I hope it helps
Have a great day!