• Can anyone tell me which of the following spam plugins disables the moderation panel? With my current configuration of spam plugins, comments go directly to my blogs without being stopped at the moderation panel. Unfortunately there are spammers and others who are still posting to my blogs and the current configuration makes it harder to delete the spams than managing them from the moderation panel.

    Does anyone know?

    Bad Behavior
    Spam Karma 2
    CJD Spam Nuke

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Thread Starter macinsm


    Wow, Whooami, that’s got to be the rudest response I have ever gotten from a “support” forum.

    I was not expecting anyone to do it “for” me. I was asking for wisdom from the group. I hoped to discover if others had a similar problem and found solutions. When information is shared, many can benefit.

    you ought to learn to read instead of assuming .. I said nothing about you expecting anyone to “do it” for you. In fact, I didnt even use those words..

    I said, had you done what I suggested, you would have already had the answer by now. There isnt ANYTHING that says you couldnt have come back here with the results — thus sharing that information for the rest of the planet.

    AND .. for what its worth, I included several smileys.. something which you’ve sorely ommitted in any of your terse replies above. Atleast, *I* attempted some levity.

    This is a support forum, not a “coddle to everyone’s insecurities” forum.

    The simple fact remains that youve been offered support, by spanters, by valkyl, by Otto, and by me. Take it, leave it. Wait some more.. frankly, I dont think anyone will lose sleep over your choice one way or the other.

    I will suggest though, that you remove your rather large chip off your shoulder. My reply was hardly rude, especially if you know me.


    whooami really isn’t a bad guy – there really is a nice person just bursting to get out. Any minute now. Also, You DID wrangle a few smile’s outta him, so you are doing something right….

    I think he was just trying to say – “here’s a few helpful suggestions – go read and learn so you’ll know how to do it yourself”

    I think I’m going to become the official whooami translator soon. Relax MACinSM, it’s all good mate.

    splanters, read your email, friend, im female.

    If you sent to email addy in my profile, you may want to resend – I just changed it to reflect accurate info ?? info [at] the domain name in profile

    splanter, once is enough, thanks.

    However, Im going to ask *this* nicely..

    whooami really isn’t a bad guy – there really is a nice person just bursting to get out. Any minute now.

    Lay off the personal attacks.

    1. This isnt your soapbox, anymore than it’s mine, and you will be hard-pressed to find a thread here where I’ve publically ridiculed anyone’s character.

    2. You. dont. know. me.

    if you can’t respect that request, I’ll just email the mods with regards to your posts, as I see fit.


    I think you may have taken my post in the wrong way – I meant it in a nice way – was attempting to be humorous at the same time… as I can see, that just doesn’t seem to work with you. As for emailing me or not, that’s your choice, I’m certainly not losing sleep over it.

    As for this being anyone’s soap box, I don’t ever recall me saying that… however, you will notice the high incident rate at which people seem to take offense at your responses to them… I think it says more about you (your need to be rude, crude, or borderline mean-spirited more times than not) than anyone and their “need for emotional coddling” – a quote you made, or something similiar.

    My take is really simple. I think more people would be willing to show up here and ask questions – and they should as wordpress rocks. Yet, there are some people that just feel a certain “need” to answer questions in a manner that is less than helpful, or polite.

    As for emailing the mods – please, by all means go for it. I’ve not done anything that I’m ashamed of. I’ve tried to be helpful at best. In your case, I’m just sick of people feeling a certain need to be mean-spirited.

    As for you being nice to me – save it. I’m not someone who’s going to go run for cover from an idiot.

    My take is really simple. I think more people would be willing to show up here and ask questions – and they should as wordpress rocks. Yet, there are some people that just feel a certain “need” to answer questions in a manner that is less than helpful, or polite.

    To which I say — this forum has mods –of which you are not one. There are people here that know how to get in touch with me should I say anything they find out of line.

    That you persist in commenting on me (scroll up for the first reference to me that you made before I had even joined in this thread), says something about you, does it not?

    And once again:

    You. dont.know.me

    Dont presume to think that you do. Hell, You cant even get my gender right..

    As for you being nice to me – save it. I’m not someone who’s going to go run for cover from an idiot.

    And yet you persist in the personal attacks ..

    The forum has mods… yup, sure does. But why would they really need to police juvenile behavior…. I mean, you don’t really seem to care that you offend people – “cause there are mods hat know how to get in touch with me should I say anything they find out of line”

    As for getting your gender correct, well, if you act like you do, most will assume you are a guy.. but I fail to see how that really means anything, unless we’re reverting to junior-high school attacks

    Again, as for any mention of you in this thread, it’s been in jest, in an attempt to make peace with you – something that just doesnt’ seem possible, nor am I of a mind to care about at this point.

    You really have some chip on your shoulder. I really like this platform (wordpress) and I hate to see people go look elsewhere cause they feel humiliated by somebody like you.

    As for knowing you – I don’t pretend to, and trust me, I don’t want to and I doubt I’m alone

    Would love to read more insults from you, but I have to leave for work.

    Ive already tagged this as a modlook a while ago, see ya!


    Have a great day at work.

    splanters & whooami,

    If you don’t have to add anything to the original question of the thread – please, take your personal fight elsewhere.
    Further personal attacks will be deleted.

    Thanks for your understanding.

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