Extra-languages data of posts are stored in a custom post parented to this post. These children “translations” posts have also a specific post-type: “translation_{$id}”, where $id is a general id for this language.
This is a very basic snippet to interact with sublanguage.
You can find more info on github
global $sublanguage;
// or global $sublanguage_admin when in admin.
$some_post = get_post(123);
// this will be the "main language" post
$current_language_id = $sublanguage->current_language->ID;
// the current language id.
// should be $sublanguage_admin->current_language->ID; wen in admin.
$translation_post = $sublanguage->get_post_translation($some_post->ID, $current_language_id);
// this is the "sub language" post (if actually on a "sub" language).
// it stores translations in post_content, post_title, post_name and post_excerpt fields.
$post_meta = get_post_meta($some_post->ID, 'some_meta_key');
// this is automatically translated according to the current language if post meta was previously registrated with 'sublanguage_register_postmeta_key' filter
Please ask me if you need more specific informations.