• We want to set up a page where we sell access to Zoom meetings. The client buys the rights of access to meetings that we call a token.

    If the client pays 40 euros, he has 40 tokens, if he pays 60 euros, he has 70 tokens.

    We need :
    1. a registration plugin, for the customer to open an account
    2. a visa / mastercard / paypal module that allows the customer to buy the tokens
    3. a plugin to show the meeting schedule, and the cost in tokens of each one, where everyone can register for the meetings they want
    4. a plugin that allows:
    4.1 when there are four different people registered for the same meeting, the profitability limit has been reached, the meeting is confirmed. The amount of tokens corresponding to each of those registered is discounted.
    4.2 when there is only one entry left, a message appears next to the room saying HurryUp! Last entry! And when there is no entry left, the room appears full
    5. Later, when enough was earned to improve the platform, a plugin is added that sends the links for the meetings, one that generates the invoices, one that sends emails every time there is a new meeting, to those registered who are interested. on specific topics … Later.
    This is how we see things, probably because we have never built a page of our life. Which plugins do you advise us to choose ?
    Beyond the choice of plugins, as you have obviously understood, we are beginners in the field. Suggestions, help or advice will be warmly received.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by benoitcassagnau.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Jan Dembowski. Reason: Moved to Fixing WordPress, this is not an Everything else WordPress topic
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