Hi All,
I had the same problem with user Riccardo. I think I’ve solved it. It’s actually a mistake in the code (i.e.: not malicious).
The togetherjs-min.js code has a definition for “TogetherJSConfig_findRoom”. If you edit the file togetherjs.php (part of the plugin zip file) you see the author uses
$site_id = get_current_blog_id();
to assign the current blog_id (which btw is pre-3.8 call) to variable site_id (Line 433 in code). If you look further down (starting on line 475) he injects the necessary javascript into the header of the page and on line 481 uses
var TogetherJSConfig_findRoom = "site_' . $site_id . '";
to assign the participant to a room.
The problem is that site_id is usually 1, so TogetherJSConfig_findRoom variable gets assigned the string “site_1” which basically lands everyone who uses (installs and activates) the plugin in the same room.
Riccardo is just some guy who’s installed the plugin, activated it and left it in collaborate mode.
I changed the above code from
var TogetherJSConfig_findRoom = "site_' . $site_id . '";
var TogetherJSConfig_findRoom = "demosite_' . $site_id . '";
and I can confirm that Riccardo is not there.
I would suggest that the plugin author give us the facility to choose the prefix we want to use instead of hardcoding it in the code (since $site_id will always resolve to 1) or use the hostname of the installation instead of the string “site_” in the above initialization.
Hope this helps……