create a new page, call it ‘posts’ but leave it blank. Then go back to your dashboard-settings-reading, click on the reading then you’ll see some choices about whether you show your lists of posts. Create a few and you’ll see that you can choose what content page you use for ‘home’ and which page for ‘posts’. it’s easier at the start to create a new blank page with some blurb about you, call it ‘home’ for example.
I don’t use the auto one called ‘about’. Just create two pages, a one about you, call it home say, and a blank page just called ‘posts’ and then go to the settings-reading page and select the down arrow, front page shows ‘static page’ and you can then select which static page you’ve made e.g. one about you….and then another page for the posts….experiment and you’ll see. Continue reading link will only link back to the page that your posts is already set to display which maybe already the ‘home’ or ‘about’ page. But create some new blank pages called home and posts and you’ll see more options. Then the posts will display one under the other on the posts page in a brief form and then you click in further or ‘continue reading’ to read the whole post.