Getting started – APIConnect Unifaun/Pacsoft
Before you can start using the Unifaun/Pacsoft REST API you need to apply for it. Log in to your Unifaun or Pacsoft Online account and order Unifaun APIConnect from the webshop. Once approved, the agreement gives you access to the REST API and API Keys.
Creating API-key
Once you have the access to APIConnect in your account, a new menu will emerge under the Maintenance section called API-keys.
API-keys are used to authenticate towards different modules and functions provided by Unifaun where APIConnect is one of them. To create an API-key do following:
1. Click on New API Key button.
2. Leave the status on Enabled and make sure that Type checked is Web Services (REST).
3. Note. As you can create multiple API-keys, you might want to write a short note on this particular API-key and what it will be used for.
4. IP-address restriction can be set if desired so that this particular API-key only can be used from certain IP-addresses or ranges.
5. E-mail field is not in use at this time.
6. Developer-ID is the ID of the account using this key. Normally this would be your own account’s user ID but in some cases you might have a ERP-system, webshop provider or some other third party that will post data into your account on your behalf. If this is the case, enter your provider’s account user ID.
Once you click on Finish, the system will automatically generate the key consisting of an ID, secret ID and combined ID. It is values ID and secret ID that you need to use to authenticate towards the APIConnect framework.
Tomi Pesonen