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  • The code is in wordpress > wp-content > plugins > the-events-calendar > views > events-list-load-widget-display.php

    Install it by dragging the widget to a sidebar

    Nick Froome

    Thanks for the assist, bolide!

    ccassidy: that get you where you need to be? Let us know if not and we’ll try to point you in the right direction.

    Nick or Rob, can you tell me exactly how to put the calendar (mini) into a sidebar widget? Do I just past the php code into a widget content? I’m obviously a real newbie.

    Hey Gionetdesign. Thanks for the note here – the calendar (mini) widget is a PRO-exclusive feature, so you won’t find it here in the core The Events Calendar. But so long as you’ve snagged PRO it should be as easy as navigating to Appearance -> Widgets on the backend and dragging the widget from the middle column into the appropriate sidebar on the right.

    That help? Let me know if not and I can troubleshoot as needed. Thanks for your patience and support so far.

    In such a case what “table-mini.php” in FREE version is intended for?

    Hi there snooozer. I believe I just answered this in your other thread; but that file is a byproduct of some previous dev work and is unused. In the next version it is stripped out entirely as we’ve refactored the calendar widget and how it works extensively for 3.0.

    Yes. Thank U. When do U plan to announce v.3.0?

    Rob La Gatta


    It’s currently announced, but the specific timetable is still being decided. Short answer: next couple of months. Long answer: it’ll depend how much bug-related feedback we get in our round 2 beta, which is underway now. Happy to give you early access to it, if you’ve got a staging/test site (probably not stable enough to install on a live site yet). No pressure ?? But if you’re interested, shoot me an email (rob /a/ and I’ll get you sorted.

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