Yes, shortcode is available.
You can also use as a shortcode in posts and pages. It’s shortcode format is [DT_World_Clock ‘title:timeZone,title:timeZone,timeZone’].
Let suppose if you want to display a world clock within a page and post then you have to use the shortcode. In [DT_World_Clock ‘title:timeZone,title:timeZone,timeZone’], DT_World_Clock is the name of shortcode and ‘title:timeZone,title:timeZone,timeZone’ is the parameter of shortcode. Here title is the title of clock and timeZone is used to show the date and time of this timeZone. if you want to show title of clock then you have to provide the title otherwise it is not required.
In order to use shortcode, you have to edit the post and page and put the shortcode in content of this post and page.
For example
if you want to show one clock then use [DT_World_Clock ‘clock1:Indian/Cocos’]
if you want to show two clocks then use [DT_World_Clock ‘clock1:America/Creston,clock2:Europe/Moscow’]
if you want to show two clocks but you do not need the title of first clock then use [DT_World_Clock ‘America/Creston,clock2:Europe/Moscow’]
if you want to show three clocks then use [DT_World_Clock ‘clock1:America/Creston,clock2:Europe/Moscow,clock3:America/Aruba’]