After getting a chance to transfer my site to my development server again I really only ran into two small problems. Otherwise it is working great for multi-site!
How I used the installer:
I edited the Old Url field during install and changed it from to just
I also changed the New Url from to just
I’m OK with the consequences of this because I have a local mail server and I don’t mind (in fact I prefer) if stuff like email addresses get changed.
The two problems were:
1) On Step 3 the links to Save Permalinks, etc get double pathed. It only happens on the installer page and not anywhere in the database or pages. The reason is that when the code builds the href for those links my New Url no longer starts with https:// , or a slash, so the browser thinks it is a relative link. Relative to where installer is running so,
Not sure that is even worth fixing since it is easy enough to just copy, paste and correct it in the address bar.
2) The other was a bit more tricky. I use the chrome browser and it apparently doesn’t like (and doesn’t store) cookies for the localhost. Now my local site isn’t named localhost but the “cookie domain” was showing up as just a dot ‘.’. WordPress wouldn’t let me log in because it thought I didn’t have cookies enabled. This could potentially be something about my particular setup, but I did find out a lot of people have run into similar problems with chrome and local development servers.
What fixes it is adding a line to wp-config.php that says,
define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ‘’);
The leading dot is important so that it works for sub-domains too.
Again, not sure if you think that is something worth fixing or how you would want to do it. I was thinking maybe another check box under advanced options. The code would of course have to strip off any https:// if there was one and add the leading dot. I could take a crack at it some time if that sounds like a reasonable approach, but it isn’t critical as it is easy enough to just do manually.