• Hi
    where does it keep the expiration date in the database?
    I have to list the articles by expiration date.
    I would appreciate if you help.
    good work

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  • The expiration date is stored in post meta — meta_key = _expiration-date

    Greetings @shedonist

    You wouldn’t happen to have a list of the meta_keys and their valid value pair for the plugin?

    I am using Zapier to automate setting up the expire date. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    With Kind Regards,

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by raynellbell.

    @raynellbell – I don’t. I do see these in the plugin main file though and confirm the first 3 are on posts I’ve added expiration dates onto:

    _expiration-date – the expiration time stamp (numerical format used by php)

    _expiration-date-status – a string storing a status such as ‘saved’

    _expiration-date-options – an array that looks something like this (hold expire type and post id): a:2:{s:10:”expireType”;s:5:”draft”;s:2:”id”;i:1123;}

    I also see reference to an _expiration-date-category post meta field, but I’m not seeing it on my posts, so it may be related more to the overall configuration.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Amanda Giles.

    @shedonist Thank you very much!

    Hi, @raynellbell please can you tell me how are you using Zapier to automate the product expiry? I’ve not used Zapier before and I’m wondering if this could be something I could use. I’m importing products, but I can’t set the expiry status because the array needs a product ID, but when you are importing new products they don’t have an ID so that isn’t possible. I’m wondering if using Zapier could be the answer?


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