yep ummm
What a freaking mess hahaha
got 10k entries froom tinfoil security site spammed the contact form due to xss injection vulnerability.
Nice NOT!!!
Would be so much nicer if this stored to its own sql table-row etc. Instead of posts and posts meta now i have to manually remove 10k entries from both.
Good thing i keep backup sql and will just roll back to yesterday
Imagine deleting 10k entries via php admin 500 at a time via pagination meanwhile not deleting real post etc.
then repeat in the post meta but times 6 for i have rows for qtranslate etc. for each comment submission what a freaking mess
alternatively what go through wp-admin dashboard and delete them 10 at a time as it only shows a handful of rows for flamingo which i can select and delete which wopuld remove them from both posts and posts meta at the same time be nice to select pagination to all ?? that would be a quick workaround to having to sort through 10k records