@jasonhendriks you are right, there is an option to turn the multiple failed login attempt alerts into one with a summary but most people do not read all the options available in the plugin, many people usually leave the default options and forget that every security software most be tweaked to meet the requirements of the user.
@birdog123 I am not sure what else to say about your issue, the code that handles the sending of the mails is very simple, it checks the options table for an entry named the same way as the identifier of the alert, “sucuriscan_notify_failed_login” for example, if its value is “enabled” then the plugin proceeds to send the alert, if not then it stops there and only sends a report to the Sucuri API service where it is stored to display in the audit logs.
Considering that it is unclear to me why the plugin keeps sending you the alerts if you have disabled that option, it is like receive calls in your cellphone while the SIM card is removed.
Please disable the plugin until the next version is released, I will keep investigating the issue and send a patch to the repository if I find something relevant. It is better this way as I do not know exactly when this patch is going to be available.