• mrstangblb


    I’m trying to get acquainted with version 1.5. I love the look, but where do metatags go now in v. 1.5?

    I’m also finding that posts I put up, if links are really long, run over into the right side of the page (as seen here: https://www.thecheapestlink.com). Is there any way to fix that? The links that I grab HAVE to be that long.

    Thanks for any help you can give me,


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  • Nick Momrik


    The reason your links are over running is because you are using   instead of spaces in the link text. As an example….
    $10 OFF $150 or more 

    Thread Starter mrstangblb


    Yep… that’s what my affiliate sites give me… I’ll see if I can still get credit for the post if I change that. Thanks.

    Do you know where the metatags can now go?



    Were you using or have you tried the Head Meta plug-in? If you haven’t been, then once activated it will create a new box or selection in your edit post screen.

    Could someone who’s intstalled the Head Meta plugin tell me how to install it. The plugin authors comments don’t provide that information & I have no idea what I should do w. his code & where I should insert it.

    I haven’t used it but the plugin looks simple enough. Drop the plugin in the plugins directory and activate it. From the directions you would then just add either head_link or head_meta as a key when writing a post and give it a value.

    I tried what you suggested. First, the author merely has the code linked in his post & it opens in the browser window rather than Notepad. So I highlighted & copied the code & placed it in a Notepad doc & saved it using headmeta.txt as the file name. I inserted it into the plugins directory. It doesn’t appear in my plugin list so I can’t activate it. Something’s still wrong.

    rename it from headmeta.txt to headmeta.php so WP will recognize it as a plugin.

    Next, I tried changing the file name from .txt to .phps (a suffix the author uses). No luck. Then I changed the suffix to .php. Then at least the plugin displayed & I activated it whereupon I got this error:

    | |
    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/richard2/public_html/tikun_olam/wp-content/plugins/headmeta.php:1) in /home/richard2/public_html/tikun_olam/wp-admin/admin.php on line 10

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/richard2/public_html/tikun_olam/wp-content/plugins/headmeta.php:1) in /home/richard2/public_html/tikun_olam/wp-admin/admin.php on line 11

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/richard2/public_html/tikun_olam/wp-content/plugins/headmeta.php:1) in /home/richard2/public_html/tikun_olam/wp-admin/admin.php on line 12

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/richard2/public_html/tikun_olam/wp-content/plugins/headmeta.php:1) in /home/richard2/public_html/tikun_olam/wp-admin/admin.php on line 13

    I’m going to check that my theme has the wp header code in the template. Otherwise, I don’t know what could be wrong & would appreciate suggestions fr. others.

    Check for whitespace before the opening php tag on the page….

    I got the file to work by removing white space at the beginning & end of the file which the author introduced. Also, I had to figure out (w/o any help fr. the author’s instructions) that you had to rename the file he linked to as .php. I tried using .phps & .txt which were his suffixes for 2 versions of this file. But they didn’t work.

    I found a codex article that talked about metatags. But it didn’t provide much detail. Can anyone provide me with a link with more information or provide a basic primer here.

    Some questions: The meta_link tag the plugin author suggests creating–would that be meant to feature any links in your post? Also, would the meta_header tag function like a technorati tag in terms of using keywords that relate to the subject of your post. Should you use few keywords or does it matter?

    I don’t mess with meta tags much anymore. With today’s search engines it doesn’t appear to make a difference. I run my little blog off my computer and I have no trouble getting everything indexed.

    In addition to what WP provides, I have added:
    <meta name=”robots” content=”<?php echo (!$single?’no’:”); ?>index,follow” />
    <meta name=”ICBM” content=”40.04454, -105.25083″ />
    <meta name=”DC.title” content=”Bill’s Web Journal” />

    That way the front page does not get indexed but all permalink pages do. The other two are just for the old GeoURL

    There is lots of info out there on meta tags, here is the first link I got from Google: https://webtips.dan.info/titles.html

    That’s an interesting judgment about the value of meta tags. I’ve not used them till now. But I figure anything that could make the google bot take more or better notice of my blog might be worth exploring. Your view is giving me 2nd thoughts. I wonder what others might think about whether or not metatags really improve SEO & bring more visitors?

    I don’t think they do. I don’t use them. Still have pretty good position in Google as moshu, dark maple, prairie design etc.

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