• I don’t know what happened. I was checking my stats in Jetpack and the next thing I knew, ALL OF MY PLUGSINS disappeared. I can’t possibly even remember which ones I need to make my site work.

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  • Have you tried:

    – switching to the default theme to rule out any theme-specific problems.

    resetting the plugins folder by FTP or PhpMyAdmin. Sometimes, an apparently inactive plugin can still cause problems.

    – re-uploading all files & folders – except the wp-content folder and wp-config.php & root .htaccess files – from a fresh download of WordPress. Make sure that you delete the old copies of files & folder before uploading the new ones.

    Thread Starter mybigfatmouth18


    Thanks for answering. hate to say it but everything you are suggesting is way over my head. You might as wel be speaking in Russian to me.

    1.What is the default theme?
    2. Would I have to go to my host godaddy, to got to the FTP. to It says that it could be dangerous toreset the plugins folder
    3.How would I re-upload all files and folders?
    4. What do you mean by a fresh download of WordPress? Would I put that on my computer? I just do everything through wordpress.

    I’m about to cry now.

    1. Twenty Fourteen
    2. Yes – if you need to use their file manager or to obtain your FTP login details.
    3. Again, using FTP or whatever file management application your host provides.
    4. No. You would need to upload this to the remote server.

    Thread Starter mybigfatmouth18


    1. I’m using 2014.

    2. Even if I went to my file manager and got my FTP login details, THEN WHAT?

    3. NO CLUE


    Why doesn’t WP have support to explain things to people that don’t understand what the forum moderator is suggesting.

    I appreciate that someone is writing to me, but that doesn’t provide me the support that I need.

    Thread Starter mybigfatmouth18


    How would I even go about trying to do any of this?
    I am completely at a loss.

    Thread Starter mybigfatmouth18


    What do you mean RE-sET the plugins folder?

    Moderator James Huff


    First, you’ll need to ask your hosting provider for your FTP login credentials. You can then use these along with an FTP client to interact with the files on your hosting account.


    Next, navigate to /wp-content/plugins/ do you see any plugin folders there, especially a /jetpack/ folder?

    If so, all of your plugins are intact, and we’ll need to figure out what happened to hide them from the Dashboard.

    Now, rename the /wp-content/plugins/ directory to /wp-content/plugins-bad/ and visit your Dashboard. You should still see no plugins, because now they have been “moved.” This is called resetting the plugins. Now, go back and re-re-name /wp-content/plugins-bad/ to /wp-content/plugins/ . With any luck, when you go back to your Dashboard, you should see your plugins.

    If you still don’t, this time go to /wp-content/themes/ and re-name the directory of your currently active theme. This will force the default theme to activate and hopefully rule-out a theme-specific issue (theme functions can interfere like plugins).

    Thread Starter mybigfatmouth18


    I can log in through go daddy to my folders. I renamed the folder and then un renamed it and that didn’t work.

    my current theme is 2014 so should I bother changing that?

    I’m VERY frustrated and I appreciate that you are a volunteer, but now I don’t have a functional website and I really think WP should offer some other help.


    Thread Starter mybigfatmouth18


    It’s not just that they are hidden from the dashboard, none of them are working.

    Thread Starter mybigfatmouth18


    There’s a folder called plugins.HOLD

    What does that mean?

    Moderator James Huff


    Are all of your plugins in /wp-content/plugins.HOLD/ or /wp-content/plugins/ ?

    Thread Starter mybigfatmouth18


    They seem to be in both.

    Moderator James Huff


    Huh, that’s odd.

    Ok, try downloading WordPress again and delete then replace your copies of everything except the wp-config.php file and the /wp-content/ directory with fresh copies from the download. This will effectively replace all of your core files without damaging your content and settings. Some uploaders tend to be unreliable when overwriting files, so don’t forget to delete the original files before replacing them.

    Thread Starter mybigfatmouth18


    You’ve lost me now.

    Thread Starter mybigfatmouth18


    I am extremely reluctant to do any of this as I am afraid of losing my content.

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