• qpqpqp


    I had so many problems trying to get WordPress 2.3.3 to work (I got the “browser not accepting cookies” bug and was unable to fix it) that I just gave up trying. I’m on the verge of just signing up for a blog hosted on the WordPress site (instead of having it hosted on my own site), but I’m wondering: Maybe version 2.5 will solve that “cookie” bug and everything will be hunky-dory again. But v. 2.5 was announced to be released on March 10th — yet as far as I can tell, it still hasn’t been released.

    So my questions are:

    Is there a new scheduled release date for WordPress 2.5? And if so: when?
    And will this new release solve the troublesome “cookie” bug?

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  • Les Bessant


    It’s been delayed for a week (see this post), as it still needed some work before it was deemed ready.

    I can’t help with the cookie question, but perhaps someone else can.



    Will it be released this monday?



    It’s better to wait for the most stable version the developers can produce. I don’t mind waiting.

    chaoyzj, read that link LesBessant provided. It says 2.5 is “delayed by a week or even more.”

    qpqpqp, I had a problem with the cookie bug on one of my installs and couldn’t find a definitive solution (I tried several suggestions from the forums). What finally worked was uninstalling and then reinstalling.

    I realize this solution is easier with a fresh install than with an established blog, but it worked for me.



    According to the WP Testers list WP 2.5 will NOT be released today.

    You can read more about that in the article WordPress 2.5 Will NOT Be Released on St. Patrick’s Day at my blog.

    I guess we need to continue to wait. I hope it doesn’t take too long though. Everyone wants a safe and stable version but eventually a product needs to be released whatever its condition.



    You don’t have to wait if you don’t want to. You mention in your article that Matt Mullenweg is using the nightly build to run his blog and you can do the same. The product is already released every night “whatever its condition.”

    I agree that there will always be more bugs found and tickets opened; WordPress is constantly being updated. But if you’re that impatient for a new version, go ahead and grab it right now.

    i would say before WordCamp Dallas which happens on the 29th March 2008

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