• I’m using the latest version of WC, and using multiple widgets, using the Target by URL function specifically. After saving the settings in the widgets panel, the settings will randomly reset, or even take on the settings of widgets above them or below them. I can’t see any rhyme or reason as to which widgets are doing it or not. I tried rolling back to the version before .8.1 (that UI is preferable, too), but after saving, the widgets didn’t show at all (as if the plugin wasn’t even active, though it was).


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  • I’m seeing the same behaviour. I have two instances of this widget in the same sidebar being displayed on different pages using the target by URL feature. When I added the second widget, its URL list replaced the URL list of the first widget. The thing is, the first widget continued to display on the correct pages. I deleted the incorrect URL from the first widgets’s list and suddenly, the old list reappeared. Everything is displaying on the correct pages right now but I’m afraid to set up any more context widgets in case doing so screws up what’s already there.

    I’m using WordPress 3.5.1 and version 0.8.1 of the widget.

    I am noticing that this once reliable Context Widget that I have used on about 40 websites, is now not working either. Choosing to display by url and deleting that last forward slash, they won’t show. They will show without URL, but that’s not what I want. So I switched to Display Widgets. It’s checkboxes for each page. Not sure it’s the solution you are looking for, but when your design relies on widget display, it’s important that they work, right? I am using wp 3.5.1 and Widget Context Version 0.8.1.

    Did you get this sorted? I am having a similar issue.

    My website seems to randomly reset every so often changing my settings back to the factory settings. Just wondering if you have any ideas for how to sort it.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    MattFord Please create a new thread for your problem.


    It’s the best way to get support for your specific problem.

    As described in previous postings by AMEEKER, rumple010 and debra.foesch the reliability of the Context Widget (CW) to maintain settings where multiple instances of a widget are configured on the same site really lacks. Seems the more CWs you create the more likely it will fail to maintain settings previously configured.

    I have 3 sites with over twenty-five (25) unique CWs on each (and we are supposed to launch another five sites by the end of the summer).

    Randomly targeted URLs will be dropped from the previously configured widget (it appears to have resets itself), or when attempting to create a new widget other previously used URLs will appear (as a default setting).

    I have also noticed, simply opening a widget and then closing it (not saving or making any changes) will sometimes cause the widget to reset or take on the characteristics of the widget directly above or below it). The only work around for me is to delete it, and recreate it from scratch.

    Looking forward to a serious update to this known bug (issue), otherwise I’ll have to migrate away as well.

    I also am using WP 3.5.1 and Widget Context Version 0.8.1


    Would be great to get some feedback from the Author on this issue in particular wouldn’t it. Hello?

    Until something as fundamental as this is fixed any future releases or new features are icing on a chocolate teapot as far as I’m concerned.





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