The article and in particular the example code in question for me is here…
The problem I may or may not be having is that I can not tell if the example code is working properly and it is hard to tell if it is me, or the code. I would assume the problem lies with me but without a complete/full example file it is hard to say. I am newer to PHP and a lot of the time documentation seems to assume more that I know. It seems normal for the codex to give you code snippets and then expects you to know which order to put them in if order is important. This is probably ok but my skills are just not there yet.
You can see my specific problem in the following forum topic…
If there is in fact something wrong with the example code that could potentially throw others off or when I do get it working as they intended how can I add to that codex page to give others a chance at the full working source file? That way I can pass on what I learn.
Thanks for your replies thus far! Excited to dig through the link you passed on alchymyth and see if that can help expand my knowledge a bit more.