Hi @arnaudbroes, good morning and thanks for this last update 4.0.10, but I think some things went wrong, as there a few things that stopped working well from past update 4.0.9 and some others still not working well, here are some:
+ PAGE/POST/JOB OFFERS PUNCTUATION (is not working): https://prntscr.com/waql3v
+ TITLE (says there is no title and there is): https://prntscr.com/waqlia
+ FACEBOOK + TWITTER DEFAULT IMAGE (not working) *we spoke about it, this past days. I tryed to share a post/page/job offer and didn′t include it.
+ FACEBOOK + TWITTER – TITLE + DESCRIPTION (missing) at POST/PAGE/JOB OFFERS: https://prntscr.com/waqptp
* All this is configured at All In One options, but when you jumpt to any Post/Page/Job Offer, the config is missing, it doesn′t replicate it.
+ SITE MAP (not working redirects all of them to home page)
-> /post-sitemap.xml
-> /page-sitemap.xml
-> /job_listing-sitemap.xml
-> /category-sitemap.xml
-> /post_tag-sitemap.xml
Hopefully this is fixed soon. Thank you.