• matwolf


    Hi, has anyone had a problem where when they edit their site on a Mac using OSX 10.5 and click edit HTML, it deletes the <br> tags and everything becomes static text?

    This is really annoying because I want to use my Mac to write my blog on. Could it be with the code or do I need to upgrade my wordpress?


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  • filmgirl


    I have this issue too and I’m running the latest version of WordPress. Sometimes if I use Camino or Firefox, it isn’t as bad, but I usually still end up needing to open up MarsEdit and manually re-insert any of my breaks.



    If you want (and know) any HTML code – you should not use the idiotic wysiwyg editor. Turn it off completely. No, do not switch between code/visual… just kill the visual in admin . Users > Your profile.
    If you don’t turn it off – then never use any html. It is that simple.



    Ahh, great tip! I never use the idiotic (as you call it, and I agree) WYIWYG editor anyway, but even if I just go straight to the code editor to make a change to something (which is a bad idea for lots of reasons anyway, namely, Twitter Tools will re-tweet it, even though MarsEdit manages to not cause that same problem), all page breaks are disrupted.



    I’m a new user, having the same sort of problems, on a mac, with firefox.

    It’s making me feel like an idiot. I just want nicely formatted posts, and all I get is garbage. Turning off the visual editor helps only a little bit.

    Can anyone direct me to a site that explains how to format posts in WordPress? It seems the simplest html code is impossible and ignored.

    I’m so frustrated I feel I should just go back to creating web pages from scratch in a text editor, and give up on using a blog at all.

    I’m not trying to do anything fancy. Inserting line breaks would be great. I don’t get how everyone else does this, and why it’s supposed to be such a great simple and fast way to post articles to the web.

    I can’t seem to find any tutorials or help for this. I suppose for every one else it just works.



    I wrote a solution for the page break in January, I think. You may want to search the forums.



    Sbradford, it might be worth downloading MarsEdit and giving its 30-day free trial a go. The developer posted a blog entry today (https://www.red-sweater.com/blog/475/the-broken-web-editor) commenting on the increase of new users he is getting *just* because of the whole WordPress Safari thing (though it happens in Firefox too, and Camino). Apparently WordPress 2.5 will have full Safari compatibility (they are upgrading TinyMCE, the WYSIWYG interface thing to a version that actually works with Safari and OS 10.5), so you could always try MarsEdit in the interim and then try the web-based editor once 2.5 is released.



    Can anyone direct me to a site that explains how to format posts in WordPress?

    This article titled “WordPress Simple Editing Techniques: Break, Alignment and Tables” has a few tips. And it’s even a Mac website.



    Thanks, I’ll check them out!

    I use Aquamacs for text editing my web pages already. I would like to have something that was closer to wsywyg functionality. The first time I used a markup language was back in 1979. I’m a little tired of them. ??



    1979? Who are you?

    I’ve been a Mac person since 1991. I bought my first personal computer in 1985. But you go all the way back. You must be an IT expert.



    Just to clarify what’s going on, for the benefit of future thread readers. It seems that when using Safari or Firefox to edit a page, something hinky happens to the code if you leave the WYSIWYG editor on even if you don’t use it!

    In my case, I would be on my site and click on the “edit this page” link, which would open up the admin area to do this. By default, it displayed the WYSIWYG and then I’d switch to the code editor to add some paragraph and break tags. It all looked good and I’d save it and then check the live site to make sure it worked. However, if I ever go back to edit that page, the process of reopening it and having the WYSIWYG display seemed to strip out all my paragraph and break tags!

    The only way I got it to work was, as Moshu posted above, to turn off the WYSIWYG capability altogether.



    Well, even turning off WYSIWYG completely didn’t help, as you can see at my site

    So I dropped it and switched to blogger.

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