• Steps to reproduce:

    1. Click on Posts > Categories
    2. Click on Add New
    3. Enter a category name
    4. Click Add New Category button
    5. Expected Result: Screen refreshes, category appears in the list on the right, system displays message: “category “category name” has been added – FAILED

    Actual Result: Nothing happens
    6. Refresh the page
    7. Category appears in category list on the right

    This original (closed) thread describes the problem exactly.

    I am having the same issue with WordPress 3.2.1 I don’t see this as resolved because in my case I was experiencing the problem even before I had activated any plugins.

    In my mind this is a bug in WordPress core. Can anyone else offer insight?


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  • Works for me:

    1. Click on Posts –> Categories
    2. Click on Add New
    3. Enter category name (as it appear on the site)
    4. Enter the slug
    5. Click Add New Category

    Result: Category appears in the list on the right.



    I was having the same exact issue. After much trouble-shooting I found that the cause was extra space at the end of the functions.php file in my theme.
    By deleting any white-space at the bottom of the functions.php file, I was able to make everything work as normal.



    I was ready to check all my files again and then I found this and decided to do what you told and delete two white spaces I found at the end of my functions.php and it really did work! Thanks : )

    I’ll be darn! Deleting the empty line spaces really did a trick!
    Thx ghettocottage I was pulling my hair for a hour at least!


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  • The topic ‘When adding a new category, category list doesn't automatically refresh’ is closed to new replies.