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  • Yes! When a vendor submits their username and automatic approval is disabled, their role is changed to “Pending Vendor”. When you approve the vendor, by clicking wp-admin->Users->Pending Vendors and then approve, their role is switched to “Vendor”.

    If you have automatic approval of new vendors enabled, their role goes directly to “Vendor” without passing GO or collecting $200. ??


    Hello Ben,

    I am still interested in using wc vendors, but this could be a problem for me.

    So, is it possible to use an existing role instead of the Vendor role? Vendors in my case have to be auto approved on registration and auto assigned to an existing role.

    Thank you very much in advance!

    Hi Hans,

    You can do anything you want, it’s just a matter of how much work it would be. ?? You would have to modify the core of WC Vendors to change the name of the Vendor role to something else, and then change all the calls to it where needed. And then when you updated WC Vendors to the next version, you’d have to do it again……….

    You might look into a plugin that assigns TWO roles to a vendor, though, as WordPress does allow this. Then you can keep the Vendor role and the other role you want the user to have. There’s a few dozen plugins that do this all free on the WordPress repo, just have to sort through them to find the one you like.


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