• I’m in the process of installing and configuring my blog that will be one feature of my established website. I have downloaded the WordPress software, but I’m not sure what username and password I should cite for my WP account. Should these be the same as the ones that I have for my website or should they be different ones? I don’t want to have to go through several check points in order to access my administration data for WP when I’m working on various pages for my site. I would like to keep this process as simple as possible without jeopardizing my control of these files. I haven’t seen this exact matter addressed in any of the guides that I have read on installing WP or the FAQ on this forum. Any suggestions that anyone can give me regarding this issue will be appreciated. Thanks.

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  • Thread Starter Bob31


    When I put the URL citation for the install.php file into my browser to get it to open the file, I got this error message:

    Error establishing a database connection

    This either means that the username and password information in your wp-config.php file is incorrect or we can’t contact the database server at localhost. This could mean your host’s database server is down.

    * Are you sure you have the correct username and password?
    * Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
    * Are you sure that the database server is running?

    If you’re unsure what these terms mean you should probably contact your host. If you still need help you can always visit the WordPress Support Forums.

    So I’m back at the point of my initial problem and question for this long thread: what is the correct username and password that I should be citing in the wp-config.php file? This is a big confusing mess!

    Thread Starter Bob31


    Hello Friends,
    I changed the user name in the wp-config.php file, uploaded the revised version to my subdirectory, put the blog title and my email address into the displayed boxes, and the database was installed. I got a report that my user name was “admin” and a new password. I was able to log in to the database, and my Dashboard was displayed. Apparently now I can begin to make some changes to my blog and style its features. I don’t believe that I can change the cited user name, which is “admin”. This is what I tried to change before, but couldn’t. I guess that I can change the assigned password, select a nickname and display name for myself, and even change the name of my blog. It will take me awhile to make these changes, and I’m still not sure how to set up the blog so that it can be viewed by search engines and other interested visitors. Anyway, I guess that I now have a WP blog in my website. Thanks for all of your help.

    Moderator cubecolour


    Well done Bob – it looks like you got there eventually.

    You can create new user with administrator rights with your choice of name & password, then sign in as that user and delete the default admin user or even better – reduce its rights to ‘subscriber’. I do this with every new install as I don’t like using the default account as it is always an obvious target.

    Thread Starter Bob31


    I had such a hard time getting this initial database set up, I’m not too eager to try to set up another one. I’m not sure where I would have to go to make your suggested changes. I’m going to have spend some time just to figure out what I have and how to customize these current WP files. Thanks for your suggestion.

    Thread Starter Bob31


    I tried to add a new user to my blog so that I could delete the “admin” one, but I can’t do it. The program requires that I cite the new user’s email address, which is my only address that is already cited for the “admin” user. So the program won’t accept me as a “new” user. I don’t have another email address, and I’m not going to set up one. So how do I get around this problem? Can I delete the “admin” user before I add the new user’s name, password, and email address?

    If I can eventually make this change to a new user, how can I delete the “admin” user name? What does a change like this do to the current WP files? Do I have to revise or upload some of them back to the subdirectory of my site? I need some very specific instructions for making this change, if I am to do it.

    You indicate that you make this kind of change “with every new install” that you do. How do you do it? I would like to delete the “admin” user name from my blog. Please tell me exactly how to do this.

    How do you do it? I would like to delete the “admin” user name from my blog. Please tell me exactly how to do this.


    1. Navigate to your WordPress database and select the wp_users table and then click the browse icon.
    2. Locate the username ‘admin’ and click the edit icon.
    3. Under the user_login column, change ‘admin’ to any other preferred WordPress administrative login name of your choice and then click go.”

    I believe the above steps might assume that you use phpMyAdmin. Do this at your own risk. reference: https://www.aboutonlinetips.com/changing-default-wordpress-user-name/

    Or you might try doing it with a plugin from the plugin repository, although I have never tried the plugin method.


    Anyone else getting A “Data Error Cyclic Redundancy Check” feeling?


    Thread Starter Bob31


    Hi Clayton,
    As you apparently realize, we discussed this process earlier in this thread. You may also recall that I tried to make the suggested changes in the wp_users table. I encountered an “error in the SQL syntax” so “the revised settings were not accepted”, as I reported to you. So now you are repeating your suggested instructions, with an additional commentary “Anyone else getting A ‘Data Error Cyclic Redundancy Check’ feeling?”. That isn’t helpful. I would like to know how numeeja makes this change in the blogs that she sets up. Maybe the plugin instructions could enable me to make this change. I may look at them, but I don’t want to create new problems. I hope that she responds with the details regarding the steps that she takes to make this change. I’m sorry that you somehow felt that it was necessary to get back into my ongoing problems and concerns regarding the set up of my blog.

    Moderator cubecolour


    You indicate that you make this kind of change “with every new install” that you do. How do you do it? I would like to delete the “admin” user name from my blog. Please tell me exactly how to do this.

    I like to keep things simple.

    • I use a different email address to set up a new user
    • assign the administrator role to the new user
    • log out then log in as the new user
    • delete the default admin user (some people prefer to relegate the default admin to the subscriber role)
    • As I own many domains & have catch-all email addresses set up on a few, each pointing at my main email address, I have an unlimited range of addresses I can choose to use.

    I haven’t investigated the other ways to replace the admin user as I find the method outlined works for me and is quick & easy. If you can’t use an additional email address, obviously this straightforward method won’t work until you can.

    oh and last time I checked, my beard indicated that I was still very much a he!

    Thread Starter Bob31


    Hi numeeja,
    Since I don’t have other email addresses and I don’t want to bother setting up any, I will have to find another way to make this change. I don’t know why the procedure that Clayton described didn’t work for me, but it didn’t. I may try to use the Plugin program, but I’m not sure that it will work to change the username for an “administrator”. We’ll see.

    I don’t understand why you seem to assume that I had some question regarding your gender. I apparently referred to jonimueller as “he” in one post, but I didn’t find any post where I referred to you as “she”. Anyway, I’m sorry for any such misunderstanding.

    Thanks for your further note. I’ll keep working on this.

    Moderator cubecolour


    …but I didn’t find any post where I referred to you as “she”. Anyway, I’m sorry for any such misunderstanding.


    I would like to know how numeeja makes this change in the blogs that she sets up.

    No problem – I’ve been called worse.

    I haven’t tried this, but can you change the registered email address of the admin account to a fictional one (eg just add a letter to it), then set up your custom-named new account with the administrator role using your valid email address? If it doesn’t work I don’t have any answers, but it might be worth trying.

    Thread Starter Bob31


    Hi friends,
    I followed Clayton’s instructions again and went to the cPanel of my database. I was able to make some changes in the login name, the user_nicename, and the display_name. I even cited a change in the password for my database account. Apparently these changes were accepted. I had missed one step in Clayton’s previous instructions. When I went back to the WordPress login, my new user name was accepted, but the password wasn’t. It was the password that WP had sent me for my account. When I requested a new password, the new one worked. I was able to login to my Profile, and I changed the assigned password again and cited a new nickname rather than “admin”. I think that my new Profile is set up with my new user name, and my blog seems to be displayed. Now I have to figure out how to revise its style, menus, other features, and get a link to it on my site.

    Thanks everyone for all of your help. The correct steps seem to work, but sometimes I’m not able to implement them correctly. I know that if they are not complete and totally correct, they will not work.

    I realy have no idea what to do to get my server back
    It is something i did

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