Home / Themes and Templates / What theme is this?
14 years, 6 months ago
Does anyone recognize it?
Thank you
/* Theme Name: Hybrid News Theme URI: Description: A news-style child theme of the Hybrid theme framework. Version: 0.1 Author: Justin Tadlock Author URI: Tags: Filters, Gravatars, Hooks, SEO, Theme Options, Three Columns, Two Columns, Valid XHTML, Valid CSS, Widgets, Microformats Template: hybrid */
/* * License: GNU GPL * Copyright (c) 2009 Justin Tadlock */
Just to make sure, I’m installing the wordpress zip file, then the hybrid 0.8 framework file and finally I’m installing the hybrid news file.
Is that correct? I haven’t worked with WordPress in a long time and these frameworks are new to me.
Yes, that’s basically correct.