+1 to cubecoour
It does look to me as manually inserted code into the theme.
It’s quite simple though.. and doesn’t involve any special developer ??
All what you need is to insert into the header.php or page.php(or index.php) into particular place, depending on your theme, this code snippet (but you are not limited to it, feel free to alter it)
<div id="My-Top-Network-Bar">
<li id="bar-mediaite"><a href="https://www.mediaite.com/">Mediaite</a></li>
<li id="bar-gossipcop"><a href="https://www.gossipcop.com/">Gossip Cop</a></li>
<li id="bar-geekosystem"><a href="https://www.geekosystem.com/">Geekosystem</a></li>
<li id="bar-styleite"><a href="https://www.styleite.com/">Styleite</a></li>
<li id="bar-sportsgrid"><a href="https://www.sportsgrid.com/">SportsGrid</a></li>
<li id="bar-marysue"><a href="https://www.themarysue.com/">The Mary Sue</a></li>
<li id="bar-thejanedough"><a href="https://www.thejanedough.com/">The Jane Dough</a></li>
<li id="bar-thebraiser"><a class="bar-current" href="https://www.thebraiser.com/">The Braiser</a></li>
And style it in anyway (if you know how) by css referencing to #My-Top-Network-Bar ID.
Hope that helps..