• I just installed a wordpress on a new domain and I have some other junk in my .htaccess file, and I think it is screwing up my newly installed blog. Can someone please tell me what should be in .htaccess for wordpress to function properly?

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  • well, not much to be honest. Nothing if you’re not using Pretty Permalinks in fact.

    If your .htaccess is read-only, visit Options -> Permalinks and at the bottom of the screen WP will tell you what you need to add to it.

    If the server can write to it, visit Options -> Permalinks and just hit save on whatever’s there so that WP can rebuild it.

    Thread Starter webtodd


    i’m using pretty permalinks, but i already have some mod rewrite junk in my htaccess file, so i think it might be conflicting with wordpress

    So make it read-only, visit Options -> Permalinks and compare what WP says to what you already have there. ??

    Thread Starter webtodd


    hmmm i looked there…should it tell me the htaccess code so i can manually put it in there? i thought wordpress gave you the code if your htaccess file was read only?


    Read my first phrase of my most recent post in this thread.

    Thread Starter webtodd


    thats what i did. i dont see the code.

    I suppose this is where I realize I should’ve asked what version of WordPress you’re running…? /blush

    Thread Starter webtodd


    thanks for your help…

    the version is the latest available.


    And you’re changing the .htaccess in your WP install directory to read only?

    I just tested this with mine and doing that, then visiting Options -> Permalinks, gets WordPress displaying a message of what needs to be added/replaced for WP to be happy.

    If yours isn’t doing that, I’m truly baffled.

    Thread Starter webtodd


    i tried it with .htaccess as 644 and as 444 – both times WordPress did not give me the message. maybe i should try to re-install wordpress?

    Hmmph. ok, slightly different angle. My site, WordPress is in the /blog directory, so my WP .htaccess section looks like

    # These are the standard WordPress Rules
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /blog/index.php [L]
    # END WordPress

    If yours is in a different subdir, you’re replace /blog/ on that RewriteRule line with your directory’s name.

    Thread Starter webtodd


    thanks i’ll give that a shot

    Thread Starter webtodd


    okay, i think i know what my problem is. i failed to mention that i have put wordpress in its own directory. (/blog) sorry abou that

    i reviewed this info:


    but i have a question…

    does index.php go in the /blog directory?

    Thread Starter webtodd


    i still haven’t figured this out…anyone know? i’m also trying to figure out if the .htaccess for wordpress should be in the main www directory or the /blog directory?

    blog directory (don’t put the wp stuff in your main htaccess too!)

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