which copied and pasted my whole post
Actually, they translated it… and that’s quite a bit of work compared to copy/paste. (I know, I used to work as a translator for years!)
Nevertheless, I find the way it was done – not OK. Yes, your post is mentioned at the bottom (“the English original is here“) in a link but neither your name/blog title, nor the images’ copyright is mentioned.
So, while I wouldn’t consider a translation a “copy” or “stealing” (see your tags) – your transformed images could be considered stolen (although I suspect you don’t own the publishing right for the AJ photo… so that’s a very blurred situation there, one might ask: where did you steal that photo from?).
Now, regardless of this very muddy photo question – the copyright of your published text is still yours, the copyright of the Russian text is his. If this was a book and translated into another language, it would work like this:
– the publisher of the translation pays royalties to:
a) the owner of the original copyright (a small % fee according to international agreements)
b) the translator (the sum agreed in their contract)
Both copyright notices (original and translation) should be printed in the impressum of the book.
Actually, I find pingbacks and trackbacks useful.