• Just installed the Gutenberg editor. Have to disable, because of the Preview not working (so, really, I need to go through each plugin and contact them?? Yeah, I’m a volunteer doing this stuff). And second reason to return back to the Classic plugin: because the code editor is completely useless. The reason I had to learn code and use the code editor in the first place—is having lost much time to changes made in the tiny Visual editor, and then one switch to Text editor, and lost all style changes (you only do that once and not again…).

    Code is code. Make it work. Some of us actually use coding to style (I know, shocker). A shame, I would like to learn how to use Gutenberg. I’ll look for more functionality (i.e. time efficiency) with the next updates.

    And what, I don’t know enough to figure it out? Yep, again, shocker, some of us trying to use WordPress (years, now), aren’t programmers or developers.

    Over and out.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by chdws.
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