What meta data is compared for wp-lr sync
I use wp-lr sync to support publishing to wordpress, it works well from the desktop app but the total-synchronisation plugin can be tricky.
The workflow I am trying to support is
- While travelling upload from my camera into my iPad
- Do first level editing/naming/cropping
- Upload directly to wordpress using the normal tools
- When I return home use total-sync to ‘find’ the images I have already uploaded and connect them
- Run the Lightroom plugin
- Manually connect any remaining using LR-ID
- Add the images to the publish service
It mostly works but is very sensitive and I have a couple of questions/suggestions
- When using the WordPress page (MeOw apps page) to enter the LR-ID’s it only works properly if you enter the LR ID’s on the last row
- If you do enter the LR-ID on a different row I found the value is only stored if it is the first value entered after refreshing the page. If the LR-ID is entered on as the second value (or more) on a row other than the last row the row is USUALLY refreshed still without the LR-ID just entered.
- Refreshing the page then does allow a LR-ID value on any row (but only once unless it is the last row.
- I have found the manual linking does not stop the publish service uploading new versions of the manually linked photos (ie. two versions in wordpress) unless Get/Refresh Statistics is pressed at the start of the session.
Once I learnt these quirks I was able to use it successfully but I wonder if it can be a little simpler
- When running the Total-Sync automatic match I found the same images never match, I’m not sure but are the dimensions used in comparison? (All the images that failed are resized on upload).
- If size is used could the match be done without size? It seems that filename and created time would be enough for a very high level of matches
- If size is not used what are the fields? If I know what is making the matches fail I may be able to make sure those fields are the same.
The manual process is quite tedious over 100s of images.
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