Submit it by emailing me at 2notch at cableone dot net.
You may submit header graphics for any WordPress theme. A seperate album will be created as header graphics are submitted for it. Other theme graphics should be no wider than 800px.
The following information is supplied for the default Kubrick “personalheader.jpg” replacement graphics, but should also be used as general guidelines for other theme graphics.
The header graphics are primarily created as a direct replacement for “personalheader.jpg”. A user should only have to download the selected graphic, rename it “personalheader.jpg”, and upload it to their site. To aid in the easy creation of the new header, I have provided a template here for download. Email me if you need instructions on getting your graphic into the template.
1 – Don’t submit anything racist, hateful, pornographic, etc.
2 – Keep the file size below 50k.
3 – Save your file as a .jpg .
4 – Must be original work or have permission from owner. Your submitted work must adhere to this Creative Commons License.
5 – If you have 10 or more unique graphics, I will put them in their own album. Under 10 will be placed in the common album.
6 – Use Designing Headers for tips.
Keep in mind that this Header Art Gallery is for the use of the Community and is not the place to sell anything. Once registered, you may put your contact information in the comment area of your graphics in case someone wants customization of a particular graphic, or if they want you to design something new. That will be strictly between you and the prospect.
There are currently 263 total header graphics with 134 of those being Kubrick “personalheader.jpg” replacements. The first milestone will be 300 Kubrick “personalheader.jpg” replacement graphics. Please help me get there.