• WordPress version:4.7.5+theme:2014.
    To prepare a post for testing.
    Please write a sentence i am testing search for awk and publish it with title testforsearch.

        select ID,guid,post_content from wp_posts where post_title="testforsearch";
        | ID   | guid                        | post_content                |
        | 3544 | https://hwy.local/wp/?p=3544 | i am testing search for awk |
        1 row in set (0.00 sec)

    There are no chrachters such as - and v in the post,you can see.

    Now to input character awk and - and v in search engine.

    I found that post testforsearch was selected,why?
    It contains no strings - and v.
    What is the rule for search engine in wp?
    It is not the same as mysql select command.

    select ID,post_title from wp_posts where post_content like “%awk%” and post_content like “%-%” and post_content like “%v%”;

    How to customize the search action in wp as the above mysql command?

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by elearn2014.
  • The topic ‘What is the rule for search engine in wp?’ is closed to new replies.