• Anonymous User 12673376


    I think this plugin is great but there are so many things that don’t work for me.
    First problem I think, is about the right way to install both cms WP and PS. Indeed, I can read many posts about different users server installation configuration. But why don’t you tell us the best way of installing WP and PS on the server ?

    My config is :

    1 mutulalised host
    2 domains
    2 databases
    1st domain > root/wp 3.5.2 install/ > 1st database
    2nd domain > root/ps 1.5.4 install/ > 2nd database

    Prestashop Integration Plugin used path : “../ps 1.5.4 install/”

    > cookie.php patched for synchronize cart (does not work for me)
    > shop.php patched for preventing redirection

    Result :
    > cart is ever empty
    > product images with shortcode doesn’t load (WP domain is used to load images and PS URL of course ! This bad url can be corrected by changing url config in a different product-list.tpl but it is not done yet… I’m working on it)
    > products can be added to cart (I can’t see it in the PS domain) but it is soooooooo slow !!! About 10 sec for refreshing home page (my PS is ok, no pb)

    So my questions are :
    . please Fran?ois, give us the right way of doing things :
    1/ domain(s) “like that” (1, 2 domains ?)
    2/ database “like that” (1 shared db for both WP ans PS ?)
    3/ directories like that on the FTP (root/ps and root/ps/wp ?)
    4/ cart add link by shortcode product-list.tpl is it a reasonable way of using this plugin or do we have to avoid it ? (I notice you did not on your examples cantalife and café marc.)

    I’ve been working on that problems for so many hours…
    Many thanks in advance


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  • Plugin Author aytechnet


    Hi spix,

    I already answered to you on an ancient post (I am a bit late during summer to check the support forum).

    If you use 2 domains, cookie will never work (it is a limitation of HTTP) so the same cart will never work (because the PrestaShop cart use cookie, a way will be to pass the cookie value by URL, which will trigger much more problem as : it will be necessary to patch PrestaShop for that and to use canonical URL to avoid duplicate content on your store (WordPress is already clean on that) and to adapt WordPress to allow the cookie in URL to be passed).

    You however can use 2 databases, PrestaShop Integration take care of that, and will open the new database if needed, or us $wpdb is the database is the same (avoiding opening a new database connection). To avoid opening 2 database handle, use the same database for both WP and PS.

    You must however have PrestaShop code available to PrestaShop Integration, because PrestaShop Integration does not contains any PS code (duplicate and dangerous as PrestaShop Integration works with PS 1.4 & PS 1.5). For your case : /root/ps and /root/ps/wp is ok as from WP you can access PS using “..”

    I suppose your main problem is using 2 domains which confuses PrestaShop (which expects only one domains and contains errors in its code, especially on image links which are not computed the same way links are computed so it is causing broken image).

    I hope I have answered your problems,

    Kind Regards,

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