Hi @boosterbast
?Unfortunately, there is an issue regarding variations and it has to do with Next-Gen display when using picture tags.
Our developers will certainly do their best to work on this as soon as they can! You can track the progress of the issue if you’d like here:
A solution at the moment would be to choose the rewrite rules way to display your WebP images(Settings > Imagify) but if you are using Cloudflare/ CDN then unfortunately rewrite rules will not work correctly.
Another solution is to try installing this helper plugin. I believe it should exclude the variable product images from being displayed in WebP, which should make them function correctly once again. If this works, it could be removed once our developers have fixed the issue.
However, if the above helper plugin will not work and you are not able to use rewrite rules then you might need to leave the display WebP option disabled until the issue is fixed from our end.
Let me know if you need further assistance. I’ll be happy to help.
Best Regards,