What is the key word that I have to google
Hi everybody
I’m new to whole wordpress and site making. please forgive my ignorance.
If by any chance this is not the right place to ask this, again, my ignorance.I want to make a site for theater and music events, I made a static page using a Theme, in site’s homepage there are blocks of information (Image, Date, Artist and etc.).
How can I make a Back-end page to add a new block (a field to put image, number and text) and automatically update my homepage.
Imagine a news site, a static page with desired appearance, with blocks of summary of news and its images.
I tried some online WP tutorial pages and after a month of googling, still couldn’t find the right word to search.
After reading wpbeginner’s glossary I decided to ask here.
Any help and/or pointer will be much appreciated.
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