• I’m lost. I’m just used to blogger and I’m not used to this stuff being so freakin’ complicated. Put this here, download there, what the hell?!?

    I just want to change my theme. I’m hosted on AN site that I got through here, I just want to get into my template and start doing something with it (that I CAN do). But I am lost, oh, so lost, God help me with this awful blue template ….

    I can work with themes and templates and personalize them, I just want to be able to get in there to do it. And I don’t have the first clue how. AN doesn’t provide support for WP, WP doesn’t provide support for AN…I did set up an FTP ACCOUNT through AN, but even they say you have to go through your FTP SERVER. HOW MANY FREAKIN’ ACCOUNTS DO I NEED FOR ONE SIMPLE LITTLE BLOG? HUH????


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  • Do you have an FTP client like WS_FTP or cuteFTP? That’s all that’s needed….

    [Ah…. btw, there is a world of difference between using blogger et al, and hosting your own blog using the wp software.]

    I looked at AN hosting, and they seem to have Cpanel, a tool that allows such things to be handled through the browser. That means you don’t need do bother with ftp-servers or clients (even though knowing that makes life easier).

    One of the functions is the file manager, that allows you to upload files to your site (like wordpress themes).

    When you signed up you probably got information on how to access the Cpanel. Look that up, then see if you can browse your way to the /wp-content/themes folder where the theme files are supposed to go. Should be pretty self-explanatory, not that different from moving files around on your PC. ??

    If AN has cPanel, true, it’s not too difficult to use, but there’s a limited number of files you can upload with it. A real FTP client is easier/better in the long run.

    Thread Starter babsrn


    Yes, it does have that panel, and I looked at the ftp manager and the file manager and where to upload things to. The only thing about that is….it only lets me upload things to /home/myusername and from what I’m gathering I need to find wp-content/themes — but WP doesn’t seem to want to provide a route to get there. I don’t know where it is. I know it’s not on my computer, and I don’t find it in a file list on AN, and I SURE don’t find it here. Any ideas?

    It really shouldn’t be THIS hard.


    Using filemanager, navigate to the folder you want to upload TO – wp-content/themes/ or whatever.

    THEN click on the “upload file” link.

    Thread Starter babsrn


    But it doesn’t exist! For that matter, my archives are all going to an error page but the front page is there. What is this business about updating the .ht file?

    Thread Starter babsrn


    I don’t know. I give up. I’m going back to blogger. This has got to go. Nothing works. It doesn’t import like it’s supposed to, and…just, nothing works.

    The blog linked to your profile is a working WP install. What’s the problem? What is it that doesn’t work?

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