• NuclearMoose


    In the fall of 2003 I decided that I wanted into this weblog stuff. I am a computer buff (that is to say I sit naked in front of the computer) ?? and I wanted to expand my horizons and learn some new skills.
    My first experience was with Blogger. I found the ability to publish whatever gibberish I liked to be very empowering. I can’t say that Blogger itself was exactly stimulating. After less than a month, I started to look for alternatives, even participating in the TypePad Beta test. GreyMatter was another tool I set up, but I did only one post. The templating system was overwhelming. Frustrated, I googled for blog/publishing tools, and quite by chance, I stumbled into the WordPress arena.
    What a breath of fresh air. It was simple, but powerful. It gave me a chance to learn about PHP, MySQL, CSS and managing my own web server. Since I have started using WordPress, I have lost 20 pounds, most of my hair has grown back, I can run a 3 hour mile (it used to take 6) and I have thought about doing both sit-ups and push-ups. It’s a damn miracle, I tell you.
    That being said, I now have two site that are powered by WP. The first is NuclearMoose Musings which is full of all kinds of stuff that my Mom finds really interesting. It’s good to have a fan. I long to be a writer of sorts, and I sometimes wax politically about things which I barely understand; but it’s my right to blab and make an arse out of myself if I so choose.
    My second site is a project that I started with my best friend. He and I realised that our home city here seriously lacks a sense of humour about itself. So, we have started DawsonCreek dot net which we hope will launch us into a career of building web sites for our local pet stores and the taxi company. Yes, I know, we dream big, but if you are going to dream, it may as well be BIG, n’est-ce pas?
    Oh, and my question – what IS a NuclearMoose, anyway? He’s a 40 year old single father of two sons living in NE British Columbia, Canada. I’m VERY single, have all of my original adult teeth, and am open to marriage proposals from wealthy single women who desire to spoil a man.
    Thanks to the dev team for making a great tool and for letting me be part of a great community.

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  • TechGnome


    Now we all know what a NM is …. did not know about your other site, although, I would imagine that the city would be all over it for exposure reasons (it just happens to share the same name of a show that was popular amonst the younger folk)


    Just checked out the “other site.” Dang it’s cold in Dawson Creek -7F/-10C. I bet Arizona sounds mighty fine for a moose.

    Nick Momrik


    NM continues to crack me up! A great member of the community!



    Hey, do you accept marriage proposals from broke college kids who are too young for you?
    (just kidding)

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