• Hi,

    I’m wondering which folders in my directory should be writeable?

    I’ve left my WP-Content writeable to allow uploading files (because WP says that it can’t upload stuff if it’s not) however the ‘WP-Super Cache’ plugin warns me that….

    Warning! D:\Hosting\xxxxxxxx\html/wp-content is writeable!

    What folders should and shouldn’t be writeable?


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    Thanks for that Joseph.

    Lastly, when it says ‘all files should be writable only by your user account.’ Which user account is that referring to?

    The only settings which I have with my host is;

    Set permissions for selected folders.

    Inherit (Inherit permissions from parent directory)
    Read (Directory contents are visible to users)
    Write (Applications can write to this directory)

    Would setting this to not be writeable be ok? Does that not exclude me?


    I’m pretty sure users refers to other users and not the owner, which would be you. Maybe you could try setting the cache folder to read and see if super cache can create files or not just to make sure.

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