• slobizman


    I’m pretty new to blogging and WP. I understand the concept (somewhat) of trackbacks, but I’m confused on what I should put into the “Send Trackbacks to” field of each post I make? How do I determine what URL to put in there?

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  • You would put the articles “Trackback url”
    Have a look here ?

    Thread Starter slobizman


    Sorry, still confused. I see all the trackbacks on that site you gave me are the same URL. So I put the Trackback URL in the Trackback URL field. But, what is my trackback URL? Where do I get it? I’ve read everything I can find in on trackbacks and still haven’t figured it out.

    Click the title of one of your posts, and look in the comments area.
    It should be there ?

    Thread Starter slobizman


    Are you talking about something like this:


    That’s the title URL.

    Could someone simply explain it too me in full.

    slobizman, when you read someone else’s blog, go to the comments section for an article. Many times, there will be a trackbacks URL listed. You can cut and paste this in the “send trackbacks to” field. Other times, like at my site, you’ll have to right-click on the trackbacks text and save the URL. Not as friendly, but I haven’t figured out how to change that.

    You should also be aware that if you’re using WordPress 1.5, there is a bug. Trackbacks don’t get sent unless you make a small change to one of your files. Here’s the bug report.


    Once you get beyond the technical aspects of trackbacks, then there’s the “trackback etiquette” to follow. Many people (most?) consider it bad form to send trackbacks to an article without also including a link to that article in your post.

    Thread Starter slobizman


    Thank you for the explanation.

    I should probably also ask…is it worth doing trackbacks? Do people really use them?

    Here’s a link to more information on trackbacks (not my site):


    Trackbacks provide a way for two blogs to cross-pollinate their readers. If you don’t have a lot of readers, writing a good post, refering to another’s post, and trackbacking might entice some to come to your blog. If they like what they see, they might return.

    I just saw another blogger shut of his trackbacks today because he was getting too much trackback spam. He doesn’t use WP.



    It really works for me

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