• Resolved Marcelo Pedra


    Hello, just wanted to let this concept clear. When you refer to “Custom Term Archives” are you refering to, in example, categories and tags for Products post type in WooCommerce? or attributes and further taxonomies and properties that could be even published in the frontend, like shipping methods, atributes, or… [fill the blanks].

    Thanks in advance


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  • @kent-brockman Right. Those are archive views for any Custom Taxonomies that might’ve been created for use with a Custom Post Type. For example, Categories and Tags are two default Taxonomies and you can view Category and Tag archives on the front-end (e.g., /category/my-category/ or /tag/my-tag/). That archive view will then be cached by Comet Cache (and the cache file will be deleted automatically so that it can be regenerated when necessary, e.g., when you publish or delete a post in that category or with that tag).

    If you have a Custom Post Type that creates a new taxonomy, for example a ‘Product’ Custom Post Type that creates a ‘Brand’ taxonomy, you might have a Brand archive view accessible at something like /brand/apple/ that lists all Products of the brand ‘Apple’. Comet Cache would cache that archive view.

    The “Clear Custom Term Archives Too?” option is referring to clearing those front-end-accessible archive views for custom taxonomies.

    Note that not all Custom Taxonomies have front-end-accessible archive views. You probably can’t access an archive view for a ‘Shipping Address’ Custom Taxonomy, for example. An archive view is anything that lists all of something grouped by a taxonomy (all posts in Category A, all posts with Tag X, all products with Brand Y).

    Does that answer your question?

    Thread Starter Marcelo Pedra


    Crystal clear!
    Thank you very much!

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