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  • Zane Matthew



    Glad Sell Media is working for you so far. The Image Size Settings is used when an uploaded image is larger than the size set in your Size Settings. For example if you set your size to 3000 x 2000 and upload an image that is larger than this Sell Media will create that image size for you.

    It is not retro-active, meaning it will not create new image sizes for images that are already uploaded.

    Thread Starter Handoko


    The Image Size Settings is used when an uploaded image is larger than the size set in your Size Settings. For example if you set your size to 3000 x 2000 and upload an image that is larger than this Sell Media will create that image size for you.

    Really? I tried several times, but it doesn’t seem working. On the (default) setting, I saw the sizes are:
    – 800 x 600
    – 1600 x 1200
    – 2400 x 1800

    I recently uploaded a 2048 x 1370 image, but I only can see the original size, if I click the purchase button. I also can’t find any other than original size on Media library. Is it a bug?

    Zane Matthew


    Can you check in the following directory?


    then navigate by year and month and see if you see additional sizes? Also can you post a link to your site?

    Thread Starter Handoko


    In wp-content/sell_media only has the original images.

    FYI, on menu > Settings > Media > I disabled “Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders”.

    Thread Starter Handoko


    I also disable the auto WordPress autoresizing by setting:
    – Thumbnail size 150 x 150
    – Medium size 10000 x 10000
    – Large size 10000 x 10000

    Why I disabled the WordPress autosizing (medium and large)? Because I don’t and will never need it.



    Hi guys,
    i’m looking for a plugin to be able to sell photos with different sizes and the corresponding different prizes.
    Is that what your Sell Media plugin does?

    Thread Starter Handoko


    Yes, it is. Unfortunately on my tests, this multisizes feature isn’t working. Hope the developer will fix it soon.

    You may need to bookmark this plugin website and come back later to check if it’s been fixed. So far, tested may similar plugin, this is the best for multisizes photo selling site.

    Zane Matthew



    Thats exactly what it does.

    Zane Matthew



    Its seems that auto-resizing only works when its turned on in WordPress. Are you saying you want Sell Media to auto-resize even when it is natively disabled in WordPress?

    Thread Starter Handoko


    Actually I do not disable WordPress auto-resizing, perhaps I was using wrong words, sorry English is not my native language.

    WordPress will automatically generate 3 thumbnails for large images uploaded (small: 150×150, medium: 300×300, large: 640×640). It’s good for most cases. But not for me, I will automatically resize and upload the smaller size if I need. Why? Using File Manager (cPanel) I saw there were too many images being auto generated by WordPress in the upload folder, most of them were just taking space because I never use it.

    On most cases I only use thumbnail 150×150 and full size. That’s why I put 10000×10000 for the medium and large size to prevent WordPress to generate thumbnails for medium and large sizes. So I do not disable auto-resizing but just prevent the generation of the 2 sizes. And I can see the 150×150 thumbnails are being generated there, it’s mean the auto resizing is still working.

    I did researches and tested many similar plugins. I’m sure your plugin has good future. Good work friend! Unfortunately my half hour testing showed too many issue need to be fix to work properly.

    Zane Matthew



    Thanks for the detail response, its cases like this that give us a better understanding of how users use Sell Media, WordPress and the media uploader.

    I am confused & I see the same as Handoko. Only one (original) size of image in FTP uploads and by download link, no matter what size I buy.

    BTW I have WP Settings > Media set for Thumbnail 80×80, Medium 300×300, Large 1024×1024. Each image has 5 copies in standard WP upload folders: original, 3 above, and 1 624px wide (twenty twelve featured).

    Is Sell Media supposed to create listed sizes on upload? Cos it ain’t. Are there some instructions somewhere I’m missing?

    I’ll start a new thread. No one seems to be reading this.


    No action is needed by you regarding download sizes. Sell Media creates download sizes during download.

    You can adjust your download settings in the WordPress admin under “Sell Media –> Setting”

    But that’s the problem. It wasn’t. It was only providing the original file, regardless of the purchase.

    Since then, I have upgraded to 1.5.3. Now the download links fail on old uploads, downloading a zero byte file. Will I have to upload them all again?

    A new upload half-works. The links provide downloads to non-original file, but with a serious problem. I specified sizes as 2048×2048, 1024×1024 and 512×512. The download is literally 512×512 and squashed horizontally. How am I supposed to specify download sizes to keep proportions?

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