Hi and thank you for the fast reply!
You are completely right about just trying.
As a matter of fact I just did a few tests with a photo of foliage with white text on top and your plugin gives remarkable results indeed.
I was able to shave about 20% off the filesize, pulling down the jpeg quality to 75% and STILL have an image that looks way better than WP’s 90% jpeg quality.
It’s unbelievable that WP does not seem to apply any unsharp mask.
This is vital for small thumbnails!
I believe you should try and find an algorithm to control your sharpening matrix on a scale from 1 to 10, that would be really cool.
And btw, you are right about Imagick, I compared WP’s 90% default against a GD version and quality wise don’t see any difference. Only the filesize of Imagick’s was bigger.
So what’s all the fuss than about WP 3.5 prefers Imagick and should be superior??