• Feed Validator returns an error “wfw:commentRss must be a full and valid URL:”
    The line is: <wfw:commentRss></wfw:commentRss> url is missing.
    It is not getting the comment url.

    Anyone else having this problem?

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  • Moderator James Huff


    What is the URL of the feed you’re testing?

    Thread Starter jwertin


    Hi James,

    The url is:

    After posting this I was able to hard code a comment url that validated the feed. Prior to that the Word Press function was not grabbing the a comment feed.

    Not the best solution, but it got it working again. I fear it will break at the next WP update.

    Moderator James Huff


    Ok, hard to check now that you’ve changed it. ??

    I’d suspect that the comments feed URL was empty because there were no comments.

    Thread Starter jwertin


    I understand.

    I actually added comments, but it still didn’t pull the comment feed url. It did show the number of comments in the slash:comments line item though. So I assume it was acknowledging there was a comment.

    Here is the code that we changed.

    <wfw:commentRss><?php echo esc_url( get_post_comments_feed_link(null,
    ‘rss2’) ); ?></wfw:commentRss>

    Moderator James Huff


    Hm, that should have worked, but you have fixed it now at least. ??

    When you update WordPress next, the file you changed will be replaced, so you’ll have to change it again. Maybe, when that happens, re-visit here so we can take a look?

    @jwertin, where did you change that code? Is that in a core file somewhere? Can we come up with a fix to put in functions.php?

    I don’t understand how/where RSS feeds are generated in WP. Have had this problem for years. Is this a genuine WP bug?

    In my case, this function in feedwordpress.php seems to be the source of the problem:

     * syndication_comments_feed_link: Escape XML special characters in comments
     * feed links
     * @param string $link
     * @return string
     * @uses is_syndicated()
     * @uses FeedWordPress::munge_permalinks()
    function syndication_comments_feed_link ($link) {
    	global $feedwordpress_the_original_permalink, $id;
    	if (is_syndicated() and FeedWordPress::munge_permalinks()) :
    		// If the source post provided a comment feed URL using
    		// wfw:commentRss or atom:link/@rel="replies" we can make use of
    		// that value here.
    		$source = get_syndication_feed_object();
    		$replacement = NULL;
    		if ($source->setting('munge comments feed links', 'munge_comments_feed_links', 'no') != 'no') :
    			$commentFeeds = get_post_custom_values('wfw:commentRSS');
    			if (
    				and (count($commentFeeds) > 0)
    				and (strlen($commentFeeds[0]) > 0)
    			) :
    				$replacement = $commentFeeds[0];
    				// This is a foreign link; WordPress can't vouch for its not
    				// having any entities that need to be &-escaped. So we'll do it
    				// here.
    				$replacement = esc_html($replacement);
    		if (is_null($replacement)) :
    			// Q: How can we get the proper feed format, since the
    			// format is, stupidly, not passed to the filter?
    			// A: Kludge kludge kludge kludge!
    			$fancy_permalinks = ('' != get_option('permalink_structure'));
    			if ($fancy_permalinks) :
    				preg_match('|/feed(/([^/]+))?/?$|', $link, $ref);
    				$format = (isset($ref[2]) ? $ref[2] : '');
    				if (strlen($format) == 0) : $format = get_default_feed(); endif;
    				$replacement = trailingslashit($feedwordpress_the_original_permalink) . 'feed';
    				if ($format != get_default_feed()) :
    					$replacement .= '/'.$format;
    				$replacement = user_trailingslashit($replacement, 'single_feed');
    			else :
    				// No fancy permalinks = no problem
    				// WordPress doesn't call get_permalink() to
    				// generate the comment feed URL, so the
    				// comments feed link is never munged by FWP.
    		if (!is_null($replacement)) : $link = $replacement; endif;
    	return $link;
    } /* function syndication_comments_feed_link() */

    This function is hacking around some WordPress issue – ‘Q: How can we get the proper feed format, since the format is, stupidly, not passed to the filter?’

    A PHP Fatal error is caused by the line if ($source->setting('munge comments feed links ... -> Call to a member function setting() on a non-object

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